As a heat treatment company of automotive parts, we strive for manufacturing process innovation and effective sales management to accomplish the best quality of zero customer dissatisfaction by implementing ERP system to control quality, cost, and delivery, by automatizing whole processes, and through consistent management innovation and technology development. Abiding by the company's motto: "Cooperation, Challenge, Impression" and being faithful to the basics, we all do our very best not to be "Number One" but to be "Only One" company, and to provide our customer with "Total Service".

Baek Seung-Won, Representative Director

95B 1L 2-16, District 2, Seongseo 3rd Industrial Complex, Horim-dong, Dalseo-gu, Daegu | Tel. +82-53-581-4022 Fax. +82-53-581-4030
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